How to Video: Dry Toasting Nuts and Seeds
Post by Olivia Martino & Paula Jahn, Co-owners and Registered Dietitians and Nourish Northwest
In this how-to video, Olivia explains how to dry toast nuts and seeds. This is an extra step that is always worth the effort. The essential oils in the nuts and seeds develop a deep, sweet and nutty flavor and crunchy or crisp texture. Toasted nuts and seeds are a great addition to your Thanksgiving menu to garnish soups, casseroles, salads, vegetable side dishes or simply put in a dish to snack on.
In just minutes, nuts and seeds can go from raw and bland to crunchy and flavorful.
It is best to toast most seeds and chopped or sliced nuts on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on them. They can burn easily! Toss them in a dry (meaning no oil) skillet over medium low heat. Stir or shake frequently to prevent burning.

For larger nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews or pecans, toasting in the oven produces more even browning. Place nuts in a 325 degree oven for 7-10 mintues. Stay close by so your nose can tell you when they are done; the nutty aroma is unmistakable!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and stay tuned next week for another informative how-to video!