The Arm Challenge Completed

Post by Paula Jahn, Co-owner and Dietitian at Nourish Northwest

pj headshot

A little over a month ago, I embarked on a 30 Day Arm Challenge at the suggestion of one of my nutrition clients. I was looking for some structure with my exercise as well as the accountability provided with knowing I had to give a full report in this blog. Since I can only attend Nourish’s group fitness classes sporadically, I needed somewhere to start.

The photos below are of my first day.

Day 1: 3 exercises, 30 days
Day 1: 3 exercises, 30 days


And below, after a month of exercises.

Day 30
Day 30: Stronger and More Toned

Here are some of the things I learned from the 30 Day Arm Challenge:

  • Starting a new routine is difficult. I thought of the many clients I have seen as a dietitian for nutrition counseling. I tried to take my own advice; when I got busy or simply forgot to complete the exercises one day, I didn’t let it derail my efforts. Sometimes I would double up the next day, sometimes I would forget again. The bottom line was that on a weekly basis, I was being more active than I had been before. I made a small, but significant change in my overall lifestyle.
  • It’s good to have structure. The first few days of the challenge seemed silly. I wondered when it was going to ever feel like a workout. Right around day 10, my 20th tricep dip, 16th push up, and 30th mountain climber gave me that answer. I was so thankful for the structured plan to give me guidance and something to work toward. It felt like checking something off a list.
  • I see and feel results. Though this challenge took very little time, it provided enough consistency that I am actually stronger and have more definition in my arms (not to mention stronger abs from the push ups and mountain climbers). I can now do more than 20 push ups in a row…not something I could have said a month ago!
  • I want more. Just like good food choices tend to set off a cascade of more good choices, this simple fitness challenge ignited my craving for more physical activity. This is perhaps the best outcome of the challenge. This 30 days was a good reminder to just dive in and start to make steps toward health–one mountain climber at a time!

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