Recipe: Kale and Butternut Squash Curry
Post by Olivia Martino Blodgett, Registered Dietitian and Owner The temperatures in Portland have been quite chilly lately and comfort foods are on the menu; it’s the season of warm dishes and hearty vegetables and this curry fits the bill. The best thing about…
How to Throw a Tamale Party
Post By Olivia Martino Blodgett, Registered Dietitian and Owner Every year when we plan our staff holiday party we know that it must include one thing: good food. The first few years we took a cooking class as a group and had a great…
Hiking: Falls Creek Falls
Post By Olivia Martino Blodgett, Personal Trainer, Registered Dietitian and Owner There is one thing I have learned about making it through the winter in the Pacific Northwest, which is that you have to go outside. Growing up in upstate New York, winter meant…